
Friday, January 26, 2007

Damned Hot! 

It's midnight. It's 31 degrees C outside. That's silly.

Expect Saturday night be roughly the same. The forecast is 40 C max for Saturday and Sunday too.

I'm heading home after a productive day in the office with no interruptions. Got almost to the end of step 8, and doubled the length of my documentation. Step 8 is the most complicated so far. Think I've finally got on top of the routing funnies the loadbalancer has caused with the backend servers tring to talk to each other. A non-optimal solution, tho.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Blame Oracle! 

It's a war of attrition.

Since resuming work on the 3rd of January, I've been trying to set up a fully redundancy Oracle Portal instance. Which basically looks like this:

1. Install Oracle clusterware
2. Install Oracle ASM
3. Install Oracle Database (so, RAC install to this point)
4. Make a blank database
5. Make this into an Oracle Metadata repository
6. Configure the load balancers
7. Install Oracle Identity Management
8. Install Oracle Portal
9. Upgrade Oracle Portal to the latest release
10. Test failure and backup scenarios
11. Take it all apart, do it again, fixing mistakes and checking documentation.
12. Profit.

The deadline for all of this was months ago. Basically, it's a setup for a Student Portal, which was supposed to be done for the beginning of semester one. I didn't get to work on it last year, due to a major upgrade of our student records system.

Unsurprisingly, it's not been going well. Every step of the way keeps throwing weird shit at me. (currently stuck in 6 and 7) And I need to get it done. So this week, been working stupid hours. Will do next week. And for some of the weekend. Definately having Saturday night off, tho.

So if I'm grumpy, or non-responsive for a while, you know why.